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Q15.Explain briefly the functions performed by an operating system as processor manager? As the name itself suggests, Processor Management means managing the process or processor that is, the CPU. Therefore, this very function is also termed as CPU Scheduling. Multiprogramming, undoubtedly, improves the overall efficiency of the computer system by getting more work done in less time as the CPU may be shared among a number of active programs which are present in the memory at the same time.

While CPU is executing a job, it has to wait for the job; if the job requires certain Input/output operation, the CPU waits for the Input/output operation to get over and that wait time is CPU’s idle time. In place of making CPU sit idle, another job takes over the use of CPU, increasing efficiency thereby and reducing CPU idle time. The benefits of multiprogramming are as follow:. Increased CPU utilization. Higher total job throughput. What types of services are provided by an operating system? Some common services provided by operating system can be listed as follow: (i) Program Execution (ii) Handling Input/output Operations (iii) Manipulation of File System (iv) Error Detection and Handling (v) Resource Allocation (vi) Accounting (vii) Information and Resource Protection (i) Program Execution The Operating System is responsible for executing various programs whether user programs or system programs that is, special programs required for the machine functioning.

(ii) Handling Input/output Operations The Operating System is responsible for handling various type of inputs ( For example, input from keyboard, input from mouse etc.) and various types of outputs in the appropriate manner. For instance, if the input is coming from mouse, then it requires different type of handling as compared to input coming from keyboard. Similarly, if an output targeted for printer, then it requires different type of handling as compared to output targeted for monitor. (iii) Manipulation of File System This task involves the making of decisions regarding the storage of files that is, where (whether on floppy disk or hard disk etc.) and how a particular file is to be stored.

(iv) Error Detection and Handling The Operating System is also responsible for detecting any type of error that occurs and then properly handling it. (v) Resource Allocation This task aims at proper use of resources available. For example, if multiple files are to be printed then “how and in which order this task will take place?” will be decided by the operating system. (vi) Accounting The Operating System keeps an account of what type of functioning is taking place and what type of errors have occurred. (vii) Information and Resource Protection The Operating System is responsible for ensuring that the information and resources available on machine are used in the correct way. The operating system foils the attempts to use them incorrectly. All these services are ensured by the functions provided b an operating system.

Class 12 Sumita Arora Solutions

The functions offered by different operating system differ from one operating system to another, but more or less they provide the same services. These OS (Operating System) functions are offered for the convenience of the programmer, to make the programming task easier.

(i) Give procedure to create a new folder in Windows XP. (ii) Give procedure for closing down the Windows XP.

To create a new folder. Double-click My Computer, and then double-click the disk drive or folder in which you want to place the new folder. Click on File- New, and then click Folder. Type the name of the new folder, and then press ENTER. The new folder appears in location you selected. To shut down your computer,. Click the Start button, and then click Shut Down.

The Shut Down Windows dialog box pop up. Click at Shut Down radio button and click OK. (To restart your computer, click at Restart radio button and click OK). Discuss some advance features of Windows XP. Windows XP has got some very useful features that add to its user-friendliness. A few of them are as follow:.

The Desktop In Windows Operating System, the screen upon which icons, Windows, etc. Are displayed is known as desktop. The Windows Operating System desktop may contain a background, one or more active or inactive windows, a taskbar, and icons. A background can be anything from a single-color screen to an elaborate artistic image. All windows and icons are superimposed on the background, whether it may be. The Window A window is a typical rectangular area pertaining to an application or a document or a dialog. Following are the types of windows: (i) The Application Window (ii) The Document Window The Application Window An application window contains an open application that is, a running application such as Word or Paint.

Several applications can be open or running simultaneously, but there is only one active window at any given time. An application window has many elements: the title bar, the menu bar, the workspace, the scroll bar, and the corners and borders. Each of these are as follow:. The Application Icon It is the icon representing the open application.

Sumita Arora C Pdf

When you click at application icon, a pull-down control menu appears which is also called system menu. Control menu options vary, depending upon the type of application being displayed in the window. Maximize/Restore This button is used to restore an enlarged window to its previous size or vice versa. Minimize This button shrinks the active window to a button in the taskbar. Close Choosing this button deactivates the active window from the desktop. Window Title and Active File Name Along with the title of the application, title bar also contains the name of file displayed in the application workspace.


The Menu Bar The menu bar for an application window is a horizontal bar just below the title bar. The menu bar lists the menus available for that application.

Choosing an option from the menu bar results in a pull-down menu. The Workspace This is the area in a window below the title bar and menu bar. Everything that relates to the current application is displayed in the workspace. The Scroll Bars Depending on the size of a window, the entire application may not be visible.

When this happens, the window is outfitted with Vertical and/or Horizontal Scroll bars. Each scroll bar contains a scroll box and two scroll arrows (one up and one down). Keyboard movement keys or mouse can be used to move scroll box up/down or left/right on a scroll bar to display other parts of the application. Corners and Borders To resize a window, use the mouse and point to a window’s border or corner.

The mouse cursor changes to a double arrow when positioned over a border or corner. Drag the border or corner in the direction indicated by the double arrow to the desired shape. (ii) The Document Window The document windows are the windows within an application window. These are displayed in the parent application window’s workspace. The Icons As you know, icons are the pretty pictures representing Windows elements like files, folders, shortcuts etc.

Icons play a very important role in graphical user interfaces. Commonly used icons are: application icons, shortcut icons, document icons, and disk-drive icons. These are: (i) Application Icons These are the graphic renderings of the software package’s logo. If you double click over this icon, the related application gets invoked. (ii) Shortcut Icons These are little graphics pointing to a particular application, document or folder etc.

By double clicking over them the concerned application/document/folder etc. Becomes active. (iii) Document Icons The active document window, which is a window within an application window, can be minimized to a document icon. Point and double-click on the document icon to restore the document window. (iv) Disk-drive Icons The disk-drive icons graphically represent five disk-drive options: floppy disk, hard-disk, network, RAM, and CD-ROM. The floppy disk (A:), hard disk (C:) and CD-ROM (D:) icons resemble the faceplates of disk drives.

Typically, PCs have only one or two floppy drives, assigned to A and B.

Sumita Arora C Pdf